Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Dancing With God

Dancing With God

When I meditated on the word Guidance,
I kept seeing "dance" at the end of the word.

I remember reading that doing God's will
is a lot like dancing. When two people try to lead, nothing feels right. The movement doesn't flow with the music, and everything is quite uncomfortable and jerky. When one person realizes that, and lets the other lead, both bodies begin to flow with the music. One gives gentle cues, perhaps with a nudge to the back or by pressing lightly in one direction or another. It's as if two become one body, moving beautifully.

The dance takes surrender, willingness, and attentiveness from one person and gentle guidance and skill from the other.

My eyes drew back to the word Guidance.
When I saw "G", I thought of God,
followed by "u" and "i".
"God", "u" and "i" dance.
God, you and I dance.

As I lowered my head, I became willing to trust that I would get guidance about my life. Once again, I became willing to let God lead.

My prayer for you today is that God's blessings and mercies be upon you on this day and every day. May you abide in God as God abides in you. Dance together with God, trusting God to lead and to guide you through each season of your life.

This prayer is powerful and there is nothing attached. If God has done anything for you in your life, please share this message with someone else, for prayer is one of the best gifts we can receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards;
so let's continue to pray for one another.

And I Hope You Dance!

Author Unknown

Monday, June 8, 2009

The Little Black Boy by William Blake

This poem really touch my heart that I want to share this with everyone...

The Little Black Boy

My mother bore me in the southern wild,
And I am black, but oh my soul is white!
White as an angel is the English child,
But I am black, as if bereaved of light.

My mother taught me underneath a tree,
And, sitting down before the heat of day,
She took me on her lap and kissed me,
And, pointed to the east, began to say:

"Look on the rising sun: there God does live,
And gives His light, and gives His heat away,
And flowers and trees and beasts and men receive
Comfort in morning, joy in the noonday.

"And we are put on earth a little space,
That we may learn to bear the beams of love
And these black bodies and this sunburnt face
Is but a cloud, and like a shady grove.

"For when our souls have learn'd the heat to bear,
The cloud will vanish, we shall hear His voice,
Saying, 'Come out from the grove, my love and care
And round my golden tent like lambs rejoice',"

Thus did my mother say, and kissed me;
And thus I say to little English boy.
When I from black and he from white cloud free,
And round the tent of God like lambs we joy

I'll shade him from the heat till he can bear
To lean in joy upon our Father's knee;
And then I'll stand and stroke his silver hair,
And be like him, and he will then love me.

William Blake

Friday, June 5, 2009

God's Busy

God's Busy

If you don't know GOD, don't make stupid remarks!!!!!!!

A United States Marine was attending some college courses between assignments. He had completed missions in Iraq and Afghanistan . One of the courses had a professor who was an avowed atheist and a member of the ACLU ..

One day the professor shocked the class when he came in he looked to the ceiling and flatly stated, 'God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I'll give you exactly 15 minutes.' The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop..

Ten minutes went by and the professor proclaimed, 'Here I am God. I'm still waiting.' It got down to the last couple of minutes when the Marine got out of his chair, went up to the professor, and cold-cocked him, knocking him off the platform. The professor was out cold.

The Marine went back to his seat and sat there, silently. The other students were shocked, stunned, and sat there looking on in silence. The professor eventually came to, noticeably shaken, looked at the Marine and asked, 'What the heck is the matter with you? Why did you do that?' The Marine calmly replied, 'God was too busy today protecting soldiers who are protecting your right to say stupid stuff and act like an idiot. So, He sent me.'

And all God's people said,-- AMEN!

One of my friend posted this in her facebook...I just love this story and it is worth to share with everyone..We need to stand up for God...God is an awesome God...

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How Well Do You Know God?

From the book "The Called...The Chosen...

What is God really like? Is He a God of love - or a God of stern judgment and destruction? Did He make a law He knew nobody could keep - then condemn them to death when they failed to keep it? Does He hold out the carrot of heaven and eternal life as a reward for good behavior, only to apply the stick of punishment when we behave badly? When He asks us to love Him, is it "Love me - or else?

My comments:
Here is what I asked to other people;
Do you read God's Words (Bible) or do you listen to what people say? How do you know if the people are saying is true? Do you live your life by what people say, even if you don't know for sure they are right?

Read God's Words (Bible) to find out for yourself what is true and the right way to live. Find out for yourself who is God really is. Find out if what people say match with what God said.

So, we should be asking ourselves this question: How well do I know God?

Thursday, May 28, 2009

To Stand the Test Share

From the Book "The Calling...The Chosen...

Right now, we may be able to stand for truth and for Jesus, its Author, in relative peace. But a time is surely coming - and quite likely far sooner than we suspect - when to stand for Jesus will be to invite the unreasoning wrath of those who oppose Him.

Against that day, are we deepening every day our commitment to our Lord? Are we building a will that can withstand any pressure to compromise, to yield, to save ourselves?

If you are deeply in love with a spouse here on earth - or if you are the parent of a child - you know that, were if necessary, to die for them would be a privilege and an honor. The same will be true of any of us whose love for our Creator (Jesus) runs too deep for words.

My comment:
I had asked myself if I am ready to stand the worse trail that will come when He (Jesus) come back to bring His people home in Heaven. Do I really love the Lord deep enough to have the privilege and honor Him and stay with Him no matter if many people don't believe in the Lord or they want what they wanted in their life. The answer for me is yes..I can't live my life without Jesus..I have been through worse trail in my life in the past...Jesus love me very deep that you have to know more about Jesus' love...He take me no matter what kind of person I am as I have sin. He helped me to heal and change me into better person...I can see and feel the different when I have Christ...My family had told me that they have seen the change in me...See, I need Jesus in my life...I want to be save when the time when Jesus come again.

Grace When It's Needed Share

From the book "The Called...The Chosen

"My grace," God Says, "is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."
II Corinthians 12:9

When the time of greatest trail comes, we want to stand firm. Our best preparation? To forge the strongest possible connection to the Source of strength. Today - tomorrow - and every day.

Yes, tomorrow's another day. And I'm ever so thirsty, Lord. So bring on the rain - the Latter Rain...

My Comment:
I would rather have Jesus' strength to help me make it each day and whatever I have to face. I can't do it alone. When I do it alone, I fail and have poor judgment. Jesus is what keep me going and give me some peace. I know I have weakness. I have to be honest and admit it. Thanks the Lord for giving me His strength. I have chosen the Lord, Jesus Christ in my life.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day Memories -poem I wrote

Memorial Day Memories

(picture of Diane, Russ and me)

I remember the time
When my sister, brother and I
Raised the American Flag
On Memorial Day
We did that every year since
We belonged to the scout of groups

After we raised the flag
We went to Glenwood Street
We went to our troops
To get ready for the parade
I marched with the Brownie troop
Since the leader couldn’t be there

(picture of me with Brownie)

My sister, brother and I kept on marching
Until we met at the designated place
Which belonged to the veterans
Right there we honored all the soldiers
Who kept our country free

We stood on the left or front side
When the tap music began to play
All of us saluted

(picture of the Veteran Honor Place)

My family has been doing this
For many years
As long as one of us were still in Scout
Those were my memories
On Memorial Day

Written By
Pamela Joachim
May 25, 2009

Friday, May 22, 2009

About Enoch's Life

From the book called "The Called..The Chosen..."

What were the key lesson of Enoch's life and ultimate translation?

*Enoch's translation brought hope to the faithful still on earth.

*It proved that the righteous do have a reward-just as the wicked have a final punishment.

*Enoch's life showed that it is possible to keep God's commands and resist temptation, even surrounded by a world of corruption and rebellion.

*Enoch's translation was a small example of the ultimate reward to be enjoyed by God's faithful followers in hereafter.

Choosing God's side does bring rewards. Now- and in an eternity soon to begin. And Enoch's life proves that it is possible to stay loyal and obedient to God, no matter how evil the world around us becomes...

there have been two sides: God's side - and Satan's side. There is no third side.

Christ's Side Satan's side
the side of faith the side of human works
the side of obedience the side of stubborn self-will
the side of loyalty to God the side of loyalty to self
(and by extension,God's great enemy)
the side of belief in the truth about God in lies Satan had told about him

Every person in times past who has ever lived has chosen.
Now, everyone on earth is making the same choice.
Which side are you choosing?

As for me, Pammie, I chose Christ's Side

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Baking Day

My granddaughter wanted to make her brother a birthday cake. I had her to come to my home and let her make it herself. While we were waiting for the cake to bake, I told her that I have two banana that is getting soft and ask her if you want to make banana bread for her Mom who love it but cannot have nuts. She said yeah. After the cake was done, we put the banana bread in the oven. While we were waiting for the bread, we talked about what she want to do as decorated the cake. After the bread was done, we took our bike to go to the store. We got waffle candy and M & M for the cake and also got triple berry muffin for her daddy. We came home from the store, the cake was cool down. My granddaughter started to mix the muffins and then put it in the oven. Then she decorated the cake. I only help with the M & M to say Happy Birthday. She did every things herself. She measured, mixed, poured and baked it all by herself. She was one happy girl. She is nine year old. I told her that she have the gift of baking. We brought the cake, banana bread and muffin to her home. Her mom and dad are very happy with their gift. Daddy started to eat his muffin and said that all of the muffin will be gone within one hour. The two babies saw Daddy eating the muffin and he share it with them. I am thinking of buying baking things for my granddaughter for her birthday (Sept) as she love to bake now. It will be nice for her to have her own set. I told her that when I get my check, I will have her pick out the material and teach her how to sew her own apron. I think I will make two, one for here at my home and the other for her at her home. I have a little apron that belong to my niece and it is getting small on her. I am saving it for my other granddaughter when she get older (soon be one year old)...Today sure is a baking day. I didn't get any of the baking but when I came home, I got the sweet smell in my home from the baking which make you hungry. It is a very special day between my granddaughter and me. We got the time to be alone for each other and do something special for someone in the family.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Kind of Gift to Give? - Poem

What Kind of Gift to Give?

What kind of gift can I give?
My income is low.
The costs of livings are high.

What can I give to my family and friends?
I can't afford to buy things
To show them how much I care.

What valuable do I have at home to give?
The most valuable thing in my home
Is my heart.
My heart is full of love.

What kinds of love can I give?
Simple things I can do.
This is my lists of gift of love.

The gift of love has wrapping arms
To hold you.
The gift of love is kissing you.
The gift of love is making cookies or cake.
The gift of love is helping someone to clean his or her home.
The gift of love is to baby-sit with no cost.
The gift of love is writing a note to them.
The gift of love is to send email.
The gift of love is doing something for someone.
The gift of love can go on and on.

That is the kind of gift you can give every day.
Shouldn't the gift of love be more valuable?

Yes, it is more valuable than anything.
What kind of gift can I give?

Written By
Pamela Joachim
December 28, 2004

Quote for Tuesday
Love is a gift you can give every day!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Love Can Grow - poem

Love Can Grow

In order to have good fertile soil

You need to pull out the tempers from seedlings of resentment

You need to pull out the bulbs of doubt

You need to pull out the hate from tender cutting of hurt

Love cannot grow with temper, doubt and hate

Once you pull out all the bad stuffs

You will be able to plant faith, love and hope

But your heart need to be clean of the dirt

So the love can grow

Once love grow

You will bring in fruitful harvests.

Written By


January 10, 2006

My Dream Garden - poem

My Dream Garden

My dream garden is wild natural garden
With a bridge and waterfall
The lands will be surround by
Forest trees and wildflowers

My Creator planted those wildflowers
In my dream garden
Full of
Birdfoot Trefoil, Cardinal Flower, Butterfly Weed,
Catnip, Blue Sailors, Common Skullcap,
Day Lily, Deptford Pink, Everlasting Pea,
Flowering Spurge, Forget-Me-Not, Michigan Lily,
Ox-Eye Daisy, Queen Ann's Lace, Spiderwort,
Swamp Rose, Teaberry, Tiger Lily and Trumpet Honeysuckle

I will be sitting on the
Huge rocks near the waterfall
Listening to the rumbling water
Smelling the aroma
Of the water, wildflowers, and trees

My dream garden is my sanctuary
A place for me to be at peace
A place to feel the love from my Creator
A place where I can be free
This dream garden is who I am

Written By
Pamela Joachim
June 15, 2005

Poncho - poem

Poncho was my soulmate
He was a gift from my Aunt and Uncle
Who had him
When they lived in New Mexico

Aunt and Uncle came to Wisconsin
For family reunion
They brought two of their dogs along
Poncho was one of them

Poncho and I clicked together
When we first met
Poncho followed me around
As I was alone at the family reunion

Poncho and I played,
Hugged and kissed
I felt him as my soulmate
As my life was changing when
I had to start a new school
With no friend

Aunt and Uncle talked to my parent
About letting me have Poncho
So that I have a friend and
Someone to love me

Oh yeah, that was the
Most wonderful gift
I received so much love from Poncho
As we grew together

Poncho was devoted to me
He was always at the doorstep
Waiting for me
When I came home from school

Poncho knew I was deaf
When someone at the door
He will looked at me
And ran to the door
I knew what he was telling me

When the phone rang
He will looked at me
And ran to the phone
Again I knew what it was about

Poncho and I really understood
Each other so well
He was my best friend
He listened to my sorrow
He gave me kisses when
I shed some tears

Then one day
He was not at the door
As usually
I called out his names
My parent was in the kitchen
And said nothing
They waited until I ask them

That was the day
My heart was broken so bad
And I became unworthily
You see,
My parent gave Poncho away
Because my cousin was allergy to the dog
Mom babysat my cousins
The babysitting only lasted a short time

I felt that my cousin
Was more important than me
I was alone
And didn't have any friends
At the new school
Where I was the only deaf student

For many months
I hid in the closet
And cried for Poncho

For many years
I felt I was unworthily
To anyone

For many years
I felt the pain that
My parent took away
The love of my best friend,
Poncho from me

That was the day
I strived for love
And had fear that love
Will be taking away from me

Written By
Pamela Joachim
February 22, 2006

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Love Can Grow - Poem by Pamela Joachim

Love Can Grow

In order to have good fertile soil
You need to pull out the tempers from seedlings of resentment
You need to pull out the bulbs of doubt
You need to pull out the hate from tender cutting of hurt
Love cannot grow with temper, doubt and hate
Once you pull out all the bad stuffs
You will be able to plant faith, love and hope
But your heart need to be clean of the dirt
So the love can grow
Once love grow
You will bring in fruitful harvests.

Written By
Pamela Joachim
January 10, 2006

Friday, May 8, 2009

I Love You, Lord - Poem

I Love You, Lord

I love the Lord so much
That I want to lift my sign language
To worship my Lord

My soul which is rejoice
That my Lord can take my joy
In what he see in my sign language

May it be
Sweet and beauty
In his eyes

Written By
January 15 2005

First Bike Ride Trip

Today is just a beautiful sunshine weather. As I mentioned last Wednesday that I got new bike. Today I asked Heidi if I can take the two older kids (my grandkids) to go for bike ride on the trail that is near our home. She said yes...Wow, there is few uphill that I had to stop and get off and walk with the bike...I am out of shape but it feel nice to have the wind blow on my face when I rode downhill....My grandkids are in better shape than me...I sure so nice to go for a bike ride and have my first trip with my grandkids. It was worthy of the time...As I got home, I am so beat and just a little sick in my stomach but I will be okay...I was very thirst..Drink a bottle of water...that help to settle my stomach...My grandkids said that they will not be able to ride for a week, they are tired too...hehehe...I know just what they mean..If the weather is nice tomorrow, I will go for short bike ride...I know that I overdid it today...
Wonderful first bike ride trip.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

New Bike

Today I was able to buy myself a new bike. My daughter, son in law and the grandkids took me to Wal-Mart. I got the bike on sale. My son in law had to take one wheel off so that it will fit at the back of the van. Heidi took the first ride from the store to the van. Cody took the second ride after he put the wheel back on and check the brake. I took the third ride from their home to my home which is only one block..hehehe..

I had a bike but six years ago, someone destroyed my bike. They couldn't afford to fix it or buy me a new bike. So I waited for long time. Now I have one. My two older grandkids told me that I will be able to go for bike ride with them and their mom and dad. It will be nice for all of us to go for bike ride. But I do know that I can't wait to ride the bike by myself. It will be good exercise. I will be able to go to one of my friend, Laura's home. But first I will have to read the booklet as it have 18 speed. I really don't know how to use the speed. I am happy that I got a bike. I will be able to ride and I want to be able to take long trip like my mom did. My mom is going to be 71 years old and she ride bike that is over 30 miles one way. If mom can do that, well I am going to try it. I really could use the exercise. So walking and riding bike will be good for me.

Thank to my daughter and son in law who was willing to take me to Wal-Mart (one hour drive to get there) while they give up the plan for themselves. I did brought them supper. All went well and everyone is happy.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

5 Minute Chocalate Cake


4 tablespoons flour
4 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons cocoa
1 egg
3 tablespoons milk
3 tablespoons oil
3 tablespoons chocolate chips
(optional)A small splash of vanilla extract
1 large coffee mug (MicroSafe)

Add dry ingredients to mug, and mix well. Add the egg and mix thoroughly. Pour in the milk and oil and mix well..Add the chocolate chips (if using) and vanilla extract, and mix again.Put your mug in the microwave and cook for 3 minutes at 1000 watts.The cake will rise over the top of the mug, but don't be alarmed!Allow to cool a little, and tip out onto a plate if desired.EAT ! (this can serve 2 if you want to feel slightly more virtuous).


Revelation 14: Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

This is the scripture our Pastor used today when he gave us the sermon. Keep the commandments is important for me to do as it show how to love God and love your neighbors. I must also keep the faith of Jesus in my mind and heart because it is Jesus who going to give me the strength and he promise me that he will be with me to the end of ages. Faith and commandments is part of what I need in my life.

Thursday, April 30, 2009


I had a great time at Bowling tonight. I got some good laugh and few ladies to talk with and both team root for each other. Mariann have a real cute giggle that make me laugh and smile, so I really smile a lots tonight. I bowled good tonight too. My average is 116 and I got 132, 128 and 122. I am happy with it. I just love to bowl for fun and meeting other women. The women treat me real nice and they all know that I am deaf. It is a good group of ladies at bowling. I have few real good friends now that I love to talk with or listen to them.

I babysat today too. My grandkids behaved good. We watched four movie together. The two older kids just have spelling to do for home school and that all they had to do today. So it was nice to sit together and watched the movie. We watched three movie of High School Musical. It is good. What is so cute about, Tidus and Chaselyn did the dancing. I just love it. It was fun to watch Tidus as he is only one and half year old.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tired Tonight

It took me two day to do the laundry.I am all caught up. I usually wait til the end of the month. Don't ask me why. Today, I helped my daughter to home school my grandson. I admire my daughter of how she home school the kids and take care of the babies too. She have more strength than I do. Wow....I am very proud of my daughter, Heidi...She did an awesome job raising and teaching her four children (my grandkids)...It is a very long day. By the time it was over, my sinus headache came back.(suppose to rain tonight) I came home so tired. I still have to put all of the clothes away and make my bed. Tonight I will be able to sleep on my bed since the water leak from upstair that drip on most of the floor and part of my bed. Tomorrow I have to get up very early as I have to babysit four grandkids. I hope I will be able to go to bed early and sleep well.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Early Birthday for my grandson

Tomorrow will be my grandson's birthday and he will be seven year old. Today I took him to the library as usually we do that every Tuesday. After the library we went to McDonald. My grandson did most of the talking. His famous quote is: "Nunna, did you that ....". He mention about one of the toy that did alots of flip, when he cleaned his room that he found a cool unicorn that shine when you hold it against the light. He asked me to guess what color his car will be when he become an adult. I didn't guess very good. So he told me that it will be yellow with black stripe like the bumble bee in the movie called "Transformer". He talked about making a bike ride plan. He is very talkative young boy...He put big smile when I think about it through the day..He talk just like his mom...His mom love to talk too...(sorry sweetie pie) hehehe

After we left McDonald, we decided to take the trail on the way back home. While we were walking, my grandson grabbed me and said look, there is a bug that like to swim on the water, later he got me again and said look, there is our first bumble bee we saw this spring. After that I shout and said look, bird, yellow finches. It was a very nice walk together as we explored the nature. When we were almost home, I asked him if he had a good time. He said OH YEAH....

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The Blind Boy

A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: 'I am blind, please help.' There were only a few coins in the hat.

A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words. He put the sign back so that everyone who walked by would see the new words.

Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot more people were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon the man who had changed the sign came to see how things were. The boy recognized his footsteps and asked, 'Were you the one who changed my sign this morning? What did you write?'

The man said, 'I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.'
What he had written was: 'Today is a beautiful day and I cannot see it.'

Do you think the first sign and the second sign were saying the same thing?

Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply said the boy was blind. The second sign told people they were so lucky that they were not blind. Should we be surprised that the second sign was much more effective?

Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.

The most beautiful thing is to see a person smiling
And even more beautiful is, knowing that you are the reason behind it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Little Gentleman

Yesterday, my grandson (6 yrs old) and I went to the library. We spent about one hour at the library and then I took him out to eat for lunch. We went to McDonald. We ate and talked for awhile and then it was time for my grandson to get his free ice cream cone. He told me that he wanted to go alone and get it himself. I stood from the booth and watched him. My grandson stood behind the older couple as he was waiting. The two little girls ( about 4 and 5 yrs old) and their grandpa came up. The two girls stood in front of my grandson. The grandpa of the two girls told them to go behind my grandson and he told my grandson to go ahead. This one surprise me and put a big smile on my face, my grandson told the man that he wanted the girls to go first. After he got his ice cream cone, he came and sat down. I said him what I saw and that the man was trying to teach the girls how to get in line and not to cut in. Now get this, my grandson said that he wanted the girls go first because he feel that is the right thing to do. I told him that it was very nice of him to do that and that he turned into a little gentleman. Wow, how many little boy or young boy do I see will do that. I have seen so many children who do not have manner or have not been taught to have good manner. I have seen elder men who let lady go first but not young boy or men doing that. Generation sure have change. I am very proud of my grandson for letting the girls goes first and act like a little gentleman. Most of all, I am very proud of my daughter who taught him how to be nice and how to treat girl/lady nice. I can see my grandson in the future to be a best husband and a father. Now I have a grandson who is little gentleman. :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Story of the Sea Captain

I was reading a book and I found this story about the Sea Captain. It touch my heart and I had to share this.

The Story of the Sea Captain

An ungodly sea captain was stricken with a fatal disease in mid-ocean. The ship’s doctor said, “Captain, you cannot live more than twenty-four hours.” The old captain was terrified and wasn’t prepared to die. He demanded that someone from his crew come and read to him the Bible and pray for him.

Finally, the cook’s boy, little Willie Platt, entered the captain’s quarters quietly. The captain said, “Willie, I want you to read something about God having mercy on a sinner like me.” At first the boy didn’t know what text to read, but finally he found a verse that had been marked by his mother before she died. It was Isaiah 53: 5
But He was wounded for your transgressions. He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. (NKJV)

But the servant was pierced because we had sinned. He was crushed because we had done what was evil. He was punished to make us whole again. His wounds have healed us. (NIrV)

The captain said, “That sounds like what I need. Read it again.” Encouraged by the captain’s response, Willie said, “Captain, I would like to read this verse the way my mother taught me to read it.” “That will be fine, Willie,” responded the captain.

Slowly and reverently Willie read: “But Jesus was pierced because Willie Platt had sinned. Jesus was crushed because Willie Platt had done what was evil. Jesus was punished to make Willie Platt whole again. Jesus’ wounds have healed Willie Platt.” (Put your name down as you replace Willie Platt)

By this time the captain was halfway over the edge of the bed. He said, “Son, read it again and put your old captain’s name in there.” Then Willie again reverently read: Jesus was pierced because John Clout had sinned. Jesus was crushed because John Clout had done what was evil. Jesus was punished to make John Clout whole again. Jesus’ wounds have healed John Clout.”

The captain fell back upon his pillow and repeated over and over again this beautiful text, putting his own name into it every time. Finally light from heaven broke in upon his darkened soul. He received him who saves to the uttermost.

I want to put my name into this text, don’t you? And let’s do it again in Hebrews 13:5b

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (NKJV)

For Jesus has said, “I will never leave _________ nor forsake __________.”
your name your name
(Search for Truth Seminar by LaVerne Tucker)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Feel Love from little one

Today, my one year old grandson made me feel the love. As my daughter asked me to come over, I had my coat on and my grandson came to me. He tried to help me to take off my coat even I had to go back home to get some books that my daughter needed. I took my coat off just for a little while. My grandson took my coat and try to hang up my coat. Then he gave me his sipper cup and push me to the kitchen. He was trying to tell me that he need water to drink. I felt the love from my grandson as he knew that I love him and do anything for him. It is a welcome love simple from an one year old little boy. A simple communication and easy to understand without a word. I am very proud of my daughter for the ways she raise her four children (my grandkids). She continue to teach the kids how to give love in different ways just what the Lord will have done. I love my daughter very much and God gave me a very precious child in my life. We have our hardship but we continue to love each other and learn together. When we have God's love in our heart, we can work out together and listen to each others but most of all, we can sure talk about the love of God who is important in our life. I couldn't ask for anything better.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Poem - I wrote - Grab Jesus' Hands

Grab Jesus' Hands

There were times I fell off the wall
I collapsed into a deep mud that I couldn’t get myself out
My trails were so difficult that I sweated as I struggled to get out
The pain put a burden on my heart that I was so weak
I shed tears and cried out for help

Over the other side of the wall were two strong hands
He said, “My child, you can give me your struggles
Lift your hands up to Me, grab My hands and hold on tight
I will pull you up and over the wall where you will be with Me
Together we will pass over the mountain of problems ”

I looked up and saw whose strong hands it belonged to
I grabbed His hands for I knew who it was
He had a bright face that shone of love
The only Person who has most love than anyone
That is Jesus, my Savior

There were times I tumbled off the wall
I landed on soft mud, as I tried to get up
I was stumbling all over the place
Suddenly I remembered the days
When Jesus called me from the wall
All I had to do was to look up at the wall
I saw my sweet Jesus’ hands
I grabbed His hands

Grab Jesus’ hands I will
He will lift me up from any strife
That I may be facing and
I will never have to be alone
He promises to be with me
As long as I hold His hands

March 14, 2009

(this poem was inspired by the children story that Pastor Jim Nephew gave today)

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cute Picuture

I was going through my photo album and I found this cute picture which I love. It make me think that I can write my sins in pencil and give it to Jesus and He will use the eraser to erase my sins off. I am so thankful. I know that I had sins in so many different ways and it is not easy to be sinless like Christ. I am thankful that I can go to Christ and ask forgiven. I know that I have to keep doing that everyday.

Here is the cute picture:

A Kept Woman

I Am a 'Kept ' Woman?

You see, there were a few times when I thought I would lose my mind,

But GOD kept me sane.. (Isa. 26:3)

There were times when I thought I could go no longer,

But the LORD kept me moving. (Gen 28:15)

At times, I've wanted to lash out at those whom I felt had done me wrong,

But the LORD kept my mouth shut.. (Psa. 13)

Sometimes, I think the money just isn't enough,

But GOD has helped me to keep the lights on, the water on, the car paid, the house paid, etc., (Matt. 6:25 -34)

When I thought I would fall, HE kept me up.

When I thought I was weak, HE kept me strong! (I Pet. 5:7, Matt. 11:28-30)

I could go on and on and on, but I'm sure you hear me!

I'm blessed to be 'kept '

Do you know a 'kept ' woman?

If so pass it on to her to let her know she is 'Kept '

I'm "Kept" by the Love and Grace of God

Friday, March 6, 2009

How to Plant Your Garden of Daily Living

thanks to one of the lady in Jo's Journey who put this in her blog....I just love this and I want to remember this kind of garden....I am going to share this in other group that I belong (poem and friend) thanks Jo for sharing this....

Credit to I don't know who, but not me. :)

How to Plant Your Garden of Daily Living

First you come into the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses --

Plant three rows of peas
  • Peace of Mind
  • Peace of Heart
  • Peace of Soul
Plant four rows of squash

  • Squash gossip
  • Squash indifference
  • Squash grumbling
  • Squash selfishness
Plant four rows of lettuce
  • Lettuce be kind
  • Lettuce be faithful
  • Lettuce be patient
  • Lettuce really love one another
No garden is without turnips
  • Turnip for meetings
  • Turnip for service
  • Turnip to help one another
A row of glads

  • Glad to live in a free country
  • Glad to have all my good friends
  • Glad to be able to worship God
  • Glad to have my great family
And last, but not least, a row of thyme

  • Thyme for God
  • Thyme for Family
  • Thyme for Friends
  • Thyme for those in need
Water freely with patience and cultivate with love. There is much fruit in your garden because you reap what you sow.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Trust God

How often do I think about God? When I see this sign, I keep telling myself that God is the one hold the key to my heart and my life. So many things had happen in my life that I had to go to God as he is the key to give me the peace that I need. I depend on God to help me get through in my life. My life have been hard. Being deaf all of my life, it is a hardship but God have given me the skill to learn how to talk and read lips. I had made some big mistake in my life. God is the key to my heart as he is the one who forgive my sins and wash it away with his blood. He is the key to my heart. His key can open up my heart to give out his love to everyone. He can open my heart to be happy and at peace even when I go through trails. One thing I know is that I never have to worry about being alone to deal with the trail as He promise to be with me. There are times that I might forget turn to God, but lucky I have few people to remind me or God will send his birds close to me as to remind me that He is here with me. I put my trust in God for he is the one who will holds the key to my life.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Cross Stitching

I have done many cross stitching. This is the only picture I have that I made for my friend's little boy in the 80's. At my home I have birds, fishing and nature animals that I did for myself. I also had done many as a gift too. Maybe some day I will have my daughter take some pictures of what I made for myself.


I made this baby blanket, sweater and cap. I was digging through my album to find some picture that I had made. I was surprise that I found only what I have posted here. I know I made so many and gave away as a gift.


This is my first Barbie gown I made back in 2000. My mom was the first person who started to make some barbie gown. I borrowed the patterns from my mom and made my first one. I did made different barbie gown for my granddaughter. I didn't took a picture of it. I do have more pattern that I haven't crochet yet.


I made this baptism gown for my former boss. I spent 70 hours making this. My former boss was the one who found this pattern and asked me to make it for her future grandchild. I think I made this in 1998. Her husband does glass stain and he made me the hummingbird window glass stain as thank you for the baptism gown. I still have the pattern but I never did make another.

Friday, February 27, 2009

No More Walls - New poem

One night my daughter came over to hang around at my place. I told her about the poem that I had wrote The Walls. We had a nice long talked and she had show me the other way to deal with the hurt feeling and not to let others put up my walls. After I thought about the talks we had, she make sense. So I wrote another poem two days ago. My daughter helped me a great deal in this hearing world. Now I don't have the walls up. I am walking around and I am going to show everyone who I am and let them see who is a liar. I am proud of my daughter and I love her very dearly. God gave me the best daughter.

No More Walls

I am not going to build up the walls
Let my action speaks louder than
Someone's words against me
Let anyone see who is wrong
My actions will show them
That I am not the kind of person
When someone speaks badly of me
I will not let them causes
Me to build up the walls
No more walls

copyright reserved
February 25, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cute Saying

I love this cute little saying.....Sometime I look like this Tweety when I tell Satan off....

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Poem - I wrote - Please Touch Me

Please Touch Me

Please touch me
How I long to be touched
Are you afraid of me
What is wrong with me
Why would you not touch me
I need to feel someone's touch
I need to feel if I am alive
How I long to be touched
Do you accept me for who I am
Do you love me
Please touch me
Therefore, I know you love me

copyright reserved
October 1, 2004

Poem - I wrote - My Darling Clown

My Darling Clown

Why is your heart broken?
I see the heart broken tears
Please tell me what's wrong

Let me wipe the tears away
Look in my eyes
And tell me what's wrong
I will hold you, My Love

In my arms
I will comfort you
Whisper in my ear
I will listen

Don't worry
My Darling Clown
I still love you

copyright reserved
July 21, 2004

Poem - I wrote - My Walls

This is one of my poem I wrote in 2004. I notice that I am starting to feel like this poem. I just found out that the person I care about had gone around my back to make trouble of what I said or told. The person was trying to destroy my relationship with my daughter. I felt very hurt by it. I had put my trust on this person and now it is destroy. I knew I wrote a poem about the wall which is my wall. Now my wall is back to as what this poem I had wrote in 2004.

My Walls

My walls are built up so high
With no windows
Inside the four walls
I am protected
No one can see my emotions
No one can see my tears
No one can see my hurts

I am afraid to break down my walls
Or put a windows on my wall
I am afraid for others to see me
Get hurt, cry and get emotional

I have a door
Only I have the key for the door
I will put a mask on my face
My mask will be happy one
For they will only see the happy face
I cannot show my true face
I will walk out of my home
As if everything is fine

I return home and lock my door
I take out my mask
And let out all of my emotions
Inside my walls
Where no one can see or hear me
I feel safe inside and not have to worry
About losing friends with my emotions

copyright reserved
August 11, 2004

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Cute Picuture

This is one of the picture that I like. My friend sent me this long time ago. I was looking at my pictures folder. I had to put this in my blog and share it with everyone.

Poem - I wrote - How I See a Waterfall?

How I See a Waterfall?

The small, calm creek flows into the river
As the water drifts many miles
The current becomes strong and flood,
And it piles up on the riverbeds.

As the strong current continues to travel,
It goes to the rocky area.
So many small and big rocks are in the river,
Making the water rumble and crash against the rocks.

As the water becomes strong, loud, and powerful,
It makes a thunder sound.
As it roars down the river so fast,
It needs a place to go.

As the water roars harder and faster,
It comes to the dead drop.
It bursts over and drops at the bottom of the fall.

Water rolls repetitively.
When it swirls over,
It gets push out
Into a wider river.

The water stirs up as it ride down further.
But not to far down the river,
It becomes calm.
At last the water becomes peaceful.

I look at the watery nature.
I see myself and God.
The water is me
God is the drop of the fall.

My life was calm at first.
The current of the water is considered as
My problems in my life.
Many issues are big and small,
Like rocks among the river,
And it needs to go somewhere.

The effect of the issues become so strong and powerful,
I could not handle it.
I keep on going and going
Until I find a place to go.

I see the dead drop.
There is God sitting at the end.
At last, I can drop
All my heavy burden,
My messed up life to God.
Together, we go down deep in soul.

God holds on to me,
As I was changing
Through tough times.
God has never given up on me.

Finally, I knew that God is with me,
As I continue my life with God.
I become calm.
Life with God is peace.

(c) Pammie
April 20, 2004

Wednesday, February 18, 2009



Lord prepare me, to be a Sanctuary
Pure and Holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary, for You

Lord please keep, the fire burning
That you've given, to light my way
May it burn Lord, forever brighter
As You lead me, day by day

It is You Lord, who came to save
The heart and soul, of every man
It is You Lord, who knows my weakness
Who gives me strength with, Thy own hand

Lead me on Lord, from temptation
Purify me from within,
Fill my heart with Your Holy Spirit,
Wash away all my sin

Lord prepare me, to be a Sanctuary
Pure and Holy, tried and true
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living
Sanctuary, for You

I really like this song because I want my life to belong to God. I want to be example of Christ who love me so much and he died for my sins to be forgiven. It took only God to keep the burning going within me and He is the only one who can make me brighter and lead me day by day. I should live one day at a time for the Lord as yesterday is gone and tomorrow is not here yet. The Lord is the only one who came to save me. He does know my weakness and all I have to do is ask Him to give me His strength. His strength is His own hands. I do have temptations. I need to depend on the Lord to lead me away from it. I need him to purify me and fill my heart with His Holy Spirit for it is the only way to conquer my temptations and sins. Christ's blood is the one that wash away all of my sins when I ask him to do it for me. After my sins been wash away, I want my heart and life to be with thanks and glorify God as He is an awesome God and powerful God who can do all things.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Our Dad!
Written by Diane (my sister)
February 17, 2004

If there was ever a dad who deserved Father of the Year, EVERY YEAR!, it was: Our Dad!

He was loving, patient, kind and always giving: He was: Our Dad!

Any event his children participated in: football, baseball, hockey, choir, scouts, the list goes on....he was always there: Our Dad!

He loved to fish! there were many times he wanted to have some time alone to fish, but one or more of his children would say: "Can I go?". He gave up his time and took us. He would spend many of those trips untangling lines, baiting hooks, removing fish or putting new tackle on and NEVER have a chance to get his own line in the water. We all remember the time when each of us were told: "If you want to continue to fish, then you need to bait your own hook and take off your own fish." He taught all of us, but was always there to help us when we needed it. He passed on his love of fishing to his kids and then his grandkids: Our Dad!

Handyman was a title that fit him well. He was able to fix or build almost anything. He took pride in doing it himself instead of paying someone: Our Dad!

He was the first one to volunteer to help friends and family when they had a project. He helped build houses, remodel cottages, finish off basement, re-roof, build docks, trailers, decks...the list goes on. That was: Our Dad!

Who loved his grandchildren and great-grandchildren more than anything else in the world??: Our Dad!

We will always remember the special way he put the babies to sleep. He would rock them in his chair while saying: " A, A, A, A,". It worked every time: Our Dad!

I will always remember how I teased him when he would say to Mom, "Let's take a ride, we haven't seen the kids in awhile." He wasn't coming to my house in Appleton to see me, I would tease, he was only coming to see his grandchildren: Our Dad!

We will always remember the funny faces, how he could get us wet with his special technique of flicking his thumb in the water, raising either one fist in the air or two fists at his side and saying: "You wanna fight?" or "I'll give you a knuckle sandwich!": Our Dad!

Having the visitation, funeral, and lunch here at church was an easy decision. So many memories of Dad are left here. All of the iron work you see on the altar (the railing, the candelabras) the huge cross that hangs outside the front of the church, it was all made by: Our Dad!

We established a memorial fund so that a Christmas tree will continue to be seen in the corner by the window each year in memory of Dad. For the past 30 years or more, he has gone out and gotten the Christmas tree, put the lights on it and helped decorate it. Even this past Christmas when he wasn't feeling well he still mad the trip to help pick out the tree: Our Dad!

He was a very special man. We loved him very, very much!:

In Memory of Robert Joachim

In Memory of Robert Joachim
Born: April 29, 1934
Died: February 17, 2004

I miss my Dad very much. He was the best father that the Lord gave me. He was patience, kind, forgiven person, and stand strong with love for me. He love me for who I am and no matter if I had made big mistake in my life, He kept on loving me. That is why I miss him.