Friday, May 8, 2009

First Bike Ride Trip

Today is just a beautiful sunshine weather. As I mentioned last Wednesday that I got new bike. Today I asked Heidi if I can take the two older kids (my grandkids) to go for bike ride on the trail that is near our home. She said yes...Wow, there is few uphill that I had to stop and get off and walk with the bike...I am out of shape but it feel nice to have the wind blow on my face when I rode downhill....My grandkids are in better shape than me...I sure so nice to go for a bike ride and have my first trip with my grandkids. It was worthy of the time...As I got home, I am so beat and just a little sick in my stomach but I will be okay...I was very thirst..Drink a bottle of water...that help to settle my stomach...My grandkids said that they will not be able to ride for a week, they are tired too...hehehe...I know just what they mean..If the weather is nice tomorrow, I will go for short bike ride...I know that I overdid it today...
Wonderful first bike ride trip.

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