Tuesday, June 2, 2009

How Well Do You Know God?

From the book "The Called...The Chosen...

What is God really like? Is He a God of love - or a God of stern judgment and destruction? Did He make a law He knew nobody could keep - then condemn them to death when they failed to keep it? Does He hold out the carrot of heaven and eternal life as a reward for good behavior, only to apply the stick of punishment when we behave badly? When He asks us to love Him, is it "Love me - or else?

My comments:
Here is what I asked to other people;
Do you read God's Words (Bible) or do you listen to what people say? How do you know if the people are saying is true? Do you live your life by what people say, even if you don't know for sure they are right?

Read God's Words (Bible) to find out for yourself what is true and the right way to live. Find out for yourself who is God really is. Find out if what people say match with what God said.

So, we should be asking ourselves this question: How well do I know God?

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