Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Poem - I wrote - My Walls

This is one of my poem I wrote in 2004. I notice that I am starting to feel like this poem. I just found out that the person I care about had gone around my back to make trouble of what I said or told. The person was trying to destroy my relationship with my daughter. I felt very hurt by it. I had put my trust on this person and now it is destroy. I knew I wrote a poem about the wall which is my wall. Now my wall is back to as what this poem I had wrote in 2004.

My Walls

My walls are built up so high
With no windows
Inside the four walls
I am protected
No one can see my emotions
No one can see my tears
No one can see my hurts

I am afraid to break down my walls
Or put a windows on my wall
I am afraid for others to see me
Get hurt, cry and get emotional

I have a door
Only I have the key for the door
I will put a mask on my face
My mask will be happy one
For they will only see the happy face
I cannot show my true face
I will walk out of my home
As if everything is fine

I return home and lock my door
I take out my mask
And let out all of my emotions
Inside my walls
Where no one can see or hear me
I feel safe inside and not have to worry
About losing friends with my emotions

copyright reserved
August 11, 2004

1 comment:

none said...

Just remember what I said the other night. Don't let one person make you put that wall back up.

Every person that knows YOU, knows you are a good person. Not through the things that people say about you, but through your actions and the way you treat others. God shines through your life, not through someone's words. Everyone has a heckler or someone who is "out to get them". It's those who don't let their hecklers get to them, that are remembered through time.